Thursday, January 17, 2008

Kickin' my ass, Part Deux

If you look at the dates, it's been a while since I've been on Clyde in ANY fashion. I'm still awaiting test results, but the doc suspects I am either pre- or early-ulcer. After picking up some pretty severe nausea on Christmas Eve and keeping it for two weeks, along with a headache that comes and goes but mostly comes for about two weeks, I decided to go in and see the doc. Thankfully I'm on some med that is treating the symptoms right now and they seem to be helping. Not that an ulcer is any big deal really, but feeling like you may vomit pretty much all the time is not a big helping hand to thinking about getting on the bike or treadmill and putting in a tough hour of interval training.

This morning I almost quit at 30 minutes - but I powered through despite the fact that my headache came knocking at about 20 minutes into the workout. It will be interesting to see how I feel the rest of the day. And keep your fingers crossed - I have my first road ride in almost a month on Saturday. It's a pretty easy 30 miler in the East Bay. My neighbor Danny is supposed to be going with me. Let's hope I make it!

Day - Thursday, 1/17
Ride Type - Indoor Training
Ride Distance - 13.54 miles
Ride Length - 1:00:00
Avg Speed - 13.5 mph
Avg Cadence - 84.6
Avg Heart Rate - 153
Time above zone - 00:00:00*
Time in zone - 0:00:00*
Calories burned - 874
Total Training Distance To-Date: 425.52 miles

*I still haven't figured this out yet and I've got to get to work - so I'll do it later.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Kickin' my ass!

Crap - I've not been on Clyde in two weeks - and boy can I tell now that I just finished an hour on him? My ass hurts like it did on my first few rides. It's kind of unbelievable just how much frequency in the saddle makes a difference in how well your ass handles that time. But I had to and I did... I've even already cleaned my house and changed my bed linens too. What a productive Sunday!!!

Day - Sunday, 1/6
Ride Type - Indoor Training
Ride Distance - 13.38 miles
Ride Length - 1:00:00
Avg Speed - 13.4 mph
Avg Cadence - 89.7
Avg Heart Rate - 160
Time above zone - 00:39:00*
Time in zone - 0:18:00*
Calories burned - 859
Total Training Distance To-Date: 411.98 miles

*This is still just an estimate - I gotta do some more research on how to pick apart timing and heart rate. Maybe I should read the owner's manual or the Help files on the application? :)